Jessica Carlin RMT clinic return to practice protocols

June 2020

1.Updating health and safety practice

Understanding the etiology and transmission of Covid-19 and implementing best health and safety practices to prevent the spread of the virus. This plan is informed by current research and protocols recommended by the College of Massage Therapists of BC. This document will be updated as new information becomes available. 

2. Therapist self- screening

I will use the CDC self-assessment tool to determine if it is considered safe for me to work each day and I will cancel my appointments and inform my patients if I have any symptoms or come into known contact with someone who has Covid-19.

3. Patient pre-screen 

Patients will be pre-screened via phone or text within 24 hours prior to each appointment, using a set of questions designed to identify potential symptoms of COVID-19. Patients will be screened a second time upon arrival for their appointment to determine if their condition has changed or if any symptoms are present. If a patient indicates the presence of any potential symptoms of COVID-19 or contact with a potential carrier during the pre-screening process,  they will be referred to medical attention and their appointment will be cancelled/rescheduled. I will waive any cancellation fees in this case. 

4. Clinic infection control practices

I will maintain hygienic conditions through the following measures:

  • Remove all linens and blankets from the room after each treatment and replace with freshly washed items.
  • Clean all common surfaces prior to each treatment, including doorknobs, sink faucets, massage table, massage table face cradle, chairs, switches, and any other commonly touched surfaces. 
  • Disinfecting will be completed using products identified as suitable by Health Canada.
  • A HEPA air filter will be kept in the room and run during treatments.
  • Additional time will be reserved between appointments in order to ensure that proper cleaning and disinfecting may occur.

5. Social distancing where appropriate 

I will stagger my appointment times so that patients will not be leaving and arriving in the waiting area or occupying common space at the same time. For this reason, patients will be asked to arrive no earlier than 5 minutes before their scheduled appointment time. 

6. Further minimizing risk of spreading Covid-19

Covid-19 is spread through infected respiratory droplets in the air contacting another person’s mucous membranes or eyes or by touching and infected surface and transferring the virus by hand to face/mouth/nose/eyes. 

To reduce the possibility of spreading the virus through droplets or surfaces the clinic practices will include:


  • Therapist: Handwashing for 20 seconds prior to treatment, after treatment, before donning and after doffing face masks, and any time it is appropriate to minimize surface contact. 
  • Patient: Handwashing for 20 seconds and or use of hand sanitizer provided upon arrival to clinic, after sneezing or coughing into hand, before donning or doffing face mask, and before leaving clinic. 
  • Both Therapist and patient will sneeze or cough into sleeve or hand or tissue, and promptly wash or sanitize hands afterward. 

7.PPE (Personal protective equipment) 

                  Both therapist and patient will wear cloth or surgical face masks before, after and during treatment with the exception that the patient may lie face down in the face cradle without a mask on and then put a face mask on when face up or side lying/ seated. Patients are asked to bring their own face mask. However, surgical face masks will be available for a small fee if needed.

                  Eye goggles may be worn by therapist or patient if either party chooses this.

8.Avoiding face contact 

Avoiding touching of one’s face is an important measure to take in preventing the spread of Covid-19. Even if the virus is on your hands it will only cause infection if introduced to mucous membranes (mouth, nose, eyes), so avoiding face touching at all times including donning and doffing face masks is important unless your hands have just been washed or cleaned with sanitizer. We touch our faces many times throughout the day without realizing it. 

9.Risk assessment and tolerance

The best way to avoid transmission of Covid-19 is to physically distance from others. Even with protective measures there is an inherent risk with in-person treatments. The therapist and patient must be comfortable with this slight risk even when all safety practices are followed and the need for and benefit of treatment should outweigh the risk of in-person contact. 

10. Covid liability and awareness of risk waiver and consent to treat

Patients will be asked to sign Covid-19 consent/ waiver prior to treatment indicating that they understand the risks of treatment and give consent for treatment to occur. 

11.Cancelling an appointment 

If for any reason and at any time, even after the pre screen interviews the therapist or patient appear to or self report having any cold, flu or Covid- like symptoms, treatment will be terminated and the individual will seek medical attention.